Former Supreme Court judges have observed the resolution passed by the two houses of Karnataka to deny Tamil Nadu water supply, as beyond their legislative powers. They remarked that sole arbiter for inter-state water dispute is Supreme Court. This power has been conferred by the constitution and not even parliament. If one state passes resolution against another, like what happened in given case will lead to constitutional crisis. The resolution passed, thus has no authority as legislature cannot override or overrule judicial decision.
Justice Thomas observed “At best, its [Karnataka Legislature] resolution can be treated as an expression of opinion or a criticism of the Supreme Court order. Everyone has the right to criticize a court order. But the Supreme Court is the final authority in resolving inter-State water disputes.”
Supreme Court had earlier refused to listen Karnataka counsel’s objections with regard to release of 6,000 cusecs of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu. The counsel had protested that it was not possible to release water against state’s wishes.