Today, former Deputy Commissioner of Delhi Police, Bhupinder Singh Bola convicted for the offence punishable under section 13(2) (criminal misconduct by public servant) read with 13(1)(e) (possession of disproportionate assets by public servant) of Prevention of Corruption (PC) Act.
Special CBI Judge Anju Bajaj Chandna awarded two-year jail term to him. However, later, the court granted bail to Bola on a personal surety of Rs 50,000 and enable him file an appeal against his conviction and punishment in the superior court.
The case in which was convicted by special judge is of disproportionation to his known sources of income. CBI conducted search at Bola’s Delhi residence on July 6, 2001 when he was posted as Managing Director of Pondicherry Distilleries and assets over worth Rs 16,03,216 were recovered, including clothes worth Rs 2,38,600. However he denied all the allegation but He was failed to explain the source of recovered assets.