The programme focuses on themes that are contemporary, relevant and scarcely included in regular curriculum and teaching-learning process. The course will be spearheaded by Distinguished Prof. (Dr.) Aniruddha Rajput (Former International Law Commission Member).
The course will be held over 6 days with a total of 15 sessions of 6 hours each day. The program will culminate on February 17 2024 with a panel discussion on the topic, India and the Shaping of International Law; Why it matters? Where are we and Where do we go from here?’. This will be followed by special lecture from distinguished jurist.
- When: 12-17 February 2024
- Where: National Law University Delhi
Eligibility: Teachers/ Instructors/ Researchers/ Lawyers/ Government Officials interested in teaching/ researching on themes relating to International Law are invited to apply.
The Themes selected for this program are International Law teaching & pedagogy, Public International Law, International Trade Law, International Investment Law, International Humanitarian Law.
Register by 31 January, 2024 to apply for the course Limited Seats. First come – first serve basis.
- IN 15,000 with accommodation and enriched course material on International Law
- INR 8500 without accommodation and with enriched course material on International Law
- Interested candidates are required to fill this form with all the requisite details and complete the payment process to register for the course.
- The payment link is as follows: https://forms.gle/boo0FWrxwnhwdA3Q7
Organising Committee
- Dr. Nidhi Gupta, Dr. Monika Negi (Mb: 9871226916),
- Dr. Kheinkor Lamarr, Ms. Shraddha Dubey
For further queries contact: [email protected]
For More Details Click HERE