The CIRF-in-IPHD of Chanakya National Law University, Patna is inviting research papers for the following journals under Volume IV, issue I & II (Jan-June & July-December 2023). Last date of submission: 15th October, 2023
1. CLR: Chanakya Law Review
The Chanakya Law Review (CLR) is half yearly multidisciplinary International Journal (online) of fundamental research in Law, Social sciences, Sciences and humanities interface with Law.
2. E-JAIRIPA: E- Journal of Academic Innovations and Research in Intellectual Property Assets
E-JAIRIPA is a half yearly journal (online) on the current issues related to Copyright, Patents, Trade Marks, Geographical Indications, Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights, Bio Diversity, Lay out design and integrated circuits, Industrial Design, Traditional Knowledge.
3. IP BULLETIN: Intellectual Property Bulletin
IP Bulletin a half yearly magazine(Online) on the Application of Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Pate nts , Trade M arks , Ge ographical Indications , Plant Varie tie s and Farmer’s Rights, Bio Diversity, Lay out design and integrated circuits, Industrial Design, Traditional Knowledge,) It carries news columns, case reports, essay writings and research in the domain of Intellectual Property Rights.
The journal accepts submissions in the following categories:
Articles: 3,000-6,000 words, excluding footnotes
Notes and Comments: 2,000-3,000 words
Book Reviews: 2,000-4,000 words
Submissions must necessarily contain an ABSTRACT of not more than 350 words and 5 (five) keywords. |
Main text: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing, justified alignment, with a margin of one inch on all sides |
Footnotes: Times New Roman, font size 10. Substantive foot notes are accepted. Speaking footnotes should be avoided. Citation style: ILI citation style. |
No submission shall be accepted after the deadline. |
Authors must indicate their name, academic qualifications and the name of the university/institution to which they are affiliated. |
Submit here: [email protected] |
For further queries, write us at: [email protected] Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Roy, Chief Editor |
For More Details Click HERE |