Empanelment of Advocates in the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Regional Office, Telangana.
1. Name of the Court/ Tribunal: High Court/ Other Court – 07, CAT – 01, E.I Courts/ Other Courts – 05.
2. Number of Post: 13.
3. Eligibility: Advocates should have registration with the Bar Council and should be well versed with the ESI Act as well as other related Acts and Codes. They should not be handling any case at present against the Corporation.
4.i) Court: High Courts, National Consumer Forum – Rs 25,000/-.
ii) CAT – Rs.20,000/ -.
iii) State Consumer Forum, District and Subordinate Courts and other Tribunals – Rs.12,000/-.
iv) E.I. Courts E.I.Cases – Rs.6000/-.
v) E.I. Courts (P C Cases), Magistrate Cou District Consumer Forum – Rs.5000/-
5. Note: Misc. expenditure including court fees shall be paid on actual basis on the submission of bills alongwith the statements and/or vouchers.
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