On Friday, Delhi Lawyer were on strike, they are demanding for shifting of Patiala House Court to Rouse Avenue, it halted the judicial work of all District Courts. A move North of around 2.4 km or 11 minutes by car, according to Google Maps. It leads to non-appearance of lawyers in courts which adjourned the hearing of the cases and stretching the cases.
Lawyers Strike were also supported by tea vendors and other shops of the court premises by shutting their outlets.
âWe are protesting against the shifting and future bifurcation of other courts,â the Co-ordination Committee of All District Court Bar Associations of Delhi said in a statement.
The Committee quoted the Delhi government as saying that there are 400 chambers for lawyers in the new building.
âBut the building plan reveals there is no provision for lawyersâ chambers,â said Committee spokesperson Sanjeev Nasiar. He said that the decision was taken unilaterally.
The strike are ongoing successfully in all the six district courts — Patiala House, Tis Hazari, Rohini, Karkardooma, Saket and Dwarka.