The Delhi High Court asked the Centre to consider the matter of increasing the salaries of Delhi Police personnel equal to that of Chandigarh Police Personnel.
A bench consisting of Justices G S Sistani and IS Mehta asked the ministry of Home Affairs to give the decision within three months on this petition filed by Babu Lal Mitharwal plea for ‘equal pay for equal work’
Mitharwal had contended that despite holding identical posts under same cadre and undertaking similar duties, there was disparity in payment of salary. While salaries of constables of Delhi fall in pay band of Rs.5200-20,000 and grade pay of Rs. 2000, their counterparts in Chandigarh Police get Rs 10,300-34,800 and a grade pay of Rs 3,200. He had moved to the High Court when his plea was rejected by Central Administrative Tribunal.
He also claimed that there should not be any discrimination when method of recruitment, basic qualification and level of physical standards on which they are selected are same. Moreover, the nature of job of Delhi Police is more arduous because of the increased risk they have to undertake in discharging their duties.