ADMISSIONS TO LL.D.(Law), Ph. D. IN LAW, Ph. D. IN SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH LAW, Ph. D IN SCIENCE OR ALLIED SUBJECTS WITH LAW; Ph.D. IN Social Sciences (Political Science; History; Economics; Sociology; Management) ; Ph.D. IN Humanities (English Literature); and D.Phil. – GENERAL .
Ph.D. Program is Full Time only.
Candidates who have passed (a) Master Degree from a recognised University in the discipline in which they are making application for Ph.D. Program, with a minimum of 55% marks or 50% marks in case of reserved candidates in the aggregate .and (b) passed by securing minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate in the Ph. D. ENTRANCE TEST conducted by the University shall be eligible for Enrolment in the Ph.D. Programme, subject to successfully completing the Course work and passing the exam as per UGC Regulations 2022. Mere appearance in the Entrance Test does not guarantee admission. Candidates qualified in UGC NET/ JRF are exempted from appearing the in ENTRANCE TEST for enrolment in Ph.D. Programme. However, they will have to appear in the interview test along with the qualified CANDIDATES IN THE WRITTEN ENTRANCE TEST, and the final selection will be done in the ratio of (60/40) out of the pooled candidates [NET/JRF and Entrance test qualified] together , towards the vacant seats.
“Eligibility criteria will be on the basis of and in conformity with University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.PHIL./PH.D Degrees) Regulations, 2016 vide UGC notification No.: F. 1-2/2009(EC/PS) V (I) Vol. II dated 5th May, 2016[See Annexure ‘C’],2018 and 2022.
(Persons appearing for Master/PG Examinations are also eligible to appear for Entrance Test/Admission subject to passing the said Examination with 55% Marks or 50% in case of reserved candidates in the aggregate at the time of interview.)
[Those who are employed anywhere will submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) from their respective employer clearly mentioning that the Applicant/candidate will be granted/allowed six months to one year leave for Ph.D. Course Work, without such certificate the application shall be rejected and the fee shall not be refunded. Further if any candidate is found that the forged certificate has been submitted at any period of time before or after admission, his/her admission shall be cancelled at any time and penalised as well. The Candidates are advised not to call and embarrass on this issue before or after the admission process. The Ph.D. Course work is absolutely full time program from 9AM to 5 PM. There shall be no compromise in this regards at any cost/any way. The University encourages full time Ph.D. Program also even after the completion of course work.
NOTE:-There shall be ONLY FULL TIME Ph.D. Program from session 2023-24. Those who are employed shall have to obtain leave for this program for the entire period. However, D.Phil- General and LL.D. programs shall be Part time as usual.
Doctoral Programs:
1. LL.D. – (Admission based on Interview, Interaction and Presentation of Research proposal.)
2. Ph.D. IN LAW (NET/JRF and those who qualify in Entrance Test and interview )
3. Ph.D. IN SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH LAW (NET/JRF and those who qualify in Entrance Test and interview)
4. Ph.D. IN SCIENCE OR ALLIED SUBJECTS WITH LAW (NET/JRF and those who qualify in Entrance Test and interview)
5. Ph.D. IN SOCIAL SCIENCES [Political Science,History,Sociology,Economics,Management)- [NET/JRF and those who qualify in Entrance Test and interview] Ph.D. IN Humanities [(English Literature – NET/JRF and those who qualify in Entrance Test and interview]
6. D. Phil. – GENERAL (Admission based on Interview, Interaction and presentation of Research Proposal)
NOTE: – For relevant excerpts from Regulations: see Regulations LL.D.-Appendix-‘C’ and Regulations Ph.D. Full time and D.Phil. –General- Appendix-‘D’.
The reservation policy shall be followed in Ph.D. Admission, As per Bihar (In Admission in Educational Institutions) Reservation Act 2003, with its amendment till today.
Total number of vacant seats: 40, in the disciplines of Law-15; Pol.Sc.-4; History-4; Economics-3; Sociology-3; English Literature-3; Management-8.
Click to download the Application Form and submit with relevant documents and Bank draft only for Rs. 5000/-(Rs. Five Thousand only) in favour of Registrar, Chanakya National Law University, Patna payable at Patna within stipulated date. The Filled in Application Form should reach to the University on or before 31st October 2023, on the Address by Post: To, The Registrar , Chanakya National Law University, Nyaya Nagar, Mithapur, Patna- 800001.
1. Downloading of Application Form : 30th September, 2023
2. Last date for the receipt of Ph.D. application with enclosures: Tuesday 31th October 2023
3. Last Date for the receipt of LL.D. /D.Phil. application with research proposal: Tuesday 31st October 2023
For More Details Click HERE