Content: Owing to the inter-disciplinary nature of the journal, the Blog shall not be accepting entries which are purely legal or purely social analyses. The entries must showcase a predominant interface between law and society, or law and any other allied discipline like economics, technology, etc. All the authors are requested to send only original content. The submissions which are not interdisciplinary in nature shall be rejected forthright without a detailed review of the piece. Additionally, all submissions must contain some novel analysis comprised of the author(s)’ views and which adds to the existing literature on the subject, but must not be a simple descriptive/informative piece, or a compilation of content from different sources. The submissions which are approved in review shall go through the mandatory process of Plagiarism Check.
Covering Letter: Submissions must be sent to [email protected]. All submissions must be accompanied with a covering letter, containing the name of the author/s, institutional affiliation, title and category of the submission and a contact address of the author, including the e-mail address and the phone number. Submissions should be sent as MS word (.doc format) attachments with the title of the article as the file name.
Identification Details: The body of the submission must contain no identification of any kind, including the name and institutional affiliation of the author, which must be provided in the covering letter. However, if the author wants to send an image representative of the submission’ topic or area, they can send a high quality image with an aspect ratio of 1:1(Square)
Decision on Publication: The Blog Team of the Journal promptly acknowledges the receipt of submissions and a decision on blog takes around 10-15 days. All submissions made to the Journal are sent for a blind-coded review. Requests for expedited reviews can be made when the submission is being considered for publication by other blogs, or in case the topic is of such contemporary relevance, that it shall lose relevance if not reviewed in a short duration. In such cases, please mention a date by which the author(s) expect our response. Regardless, the blog team shall take a minimum of 4 days for communicating its decision on blog submissions asking for expedited reviews. Submissions may be accepted/rejected based solely on the discretion of the Editorial Board. Relaxation of any rules regarding submissions is subject to the discretion of the Board of Editors.
Rolling Submission Policy: The Blog Team follows a rolling submission policy and hence there is no deadline to submit articles.
Style Guidelines
Word Limit: All the blog submissions should be in the range of the word count of 1500-2000 words, exclusive of footnotes. Speaking footnotes are not accepted. The word limit may be relaxed in exceptional cases.
Form of Submission: Submissions must be in electronic form. All submissions must be word-processed, single-spaced in Garamond, font size 12 and justified.
Citations: Only footnotes may be used as the form of citations. End notes or hyperlinks shall not be accepted. All footnotes must be in Garamond, size 10, single-spacing and justified. The citations must be in the format derived from the Standard Indian Legal Citation/ NUJS Law Review Citation Style.
Note : Any blog published on the JILS Blog website may be published on another forum only after giving due credits and reference to the publication at JILS Blog. Such re-publication on another forum must duly mention JILS as the original forum of publication at the beginning.
Please send your queries or requests for clarifications to [email protected].
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