Call for Papers: M.S. Ramaiah Journal of Law: August 2018 Issue: To be submitted by March 26, 2018
The M.S. Ramaiah Journal of Law is the official journal of Ramaiah College of Law affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi. It is a bi-annual peer reviewed UGC approved Law Journal published with ISSN: 0975-9905.
The primary object of the journal is to encourage the legal scholarship on the issues that are at the forefront of contemporary legal discourse. The journal being the instrument in maintaining the high standard of legal research invites the original research papers in the form of Long Articles, Short Articles, Case comments/Critiques of recent judgments for its upcoming issue to be published in the month of August, 2018.
The journal welcomes the original contribution on Contemporary Legal Issues from the academicians, judicial officers, practitioners, activists, research scholars and students of law.
All submitted contributions are run through the plagiarism software for its originality and considered for peer review.
Submission Guidelines
- All contributions shall be submitted along with covering letter and declaration to the effect that the paper submitted is original and is not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The covering letter should include
- Title of the Paper
- Name of the Author
- Designation
- Institutional affiliation
- Correspondence address. Co-authored papers should give full details about all the authors.
- Contributors shall submit an abstract of not more than 300 words focusing on Important Contemporary Legal Issues.
- The abstract will undergo the peer review by editorial board and the one selected will be
Only contributions whose abstract are selected will be invited to submit the full paper. - Authors are requested to send the article in the electronic form (MS Word) only to[email protected].
Important Dates
- Last Date for Submission of Abstracts: 26th March, 2018
- Communication of Selection of Abstracts: 28th March, 2018
- Submission of Final Paper: 15th May, 2018
- Confirmation of Acceptance for Publication: 15th June, 2018
Any queries, clarifications and contributions for the journal should be sent to the Editorial Board at [email protected].