The NLUA Law & Policy Review (NLUALPR) ISSN: 2455-8672, is a faculty run double blind peer reviewed journal published by the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. The primary objective of the Journal is to serve as an important academic forum for legal scholarship. The Journal shall publish scholarly articles, comments on recent decisions by courts, legislative analysis and solicits reviews of latest books from renowned connoisseurs of law. All submissions shall undergo a rigorous editorial process devised to
hone and strengthen tone and substance.
The Editorial Board of the Journal welcomes the submission of unpublished original articles, Categories for Submission
The submission can be sent under the following categories:
1. Research Papers and Articles: Word limit shall be between 7000 to 8000 words, inclusive of footnotes and a short abstract (250-300 words), outlines the main questions or themes addressed in the paper. Papers in this category are expected to engage with the theme comprehensively, examine literature comprehensively and offer an innovative reassessment of the current understanding of that theme. It is advisable, though not necessary, to choose a theme that is of contemporary importance. Purely theoretical pieces are also welcome.
2. Case Comments: Word limit shall be 4000 to 5000 words, inclusive of footnotes. It may also involve an analysis of contemporary Indian or International judicial Volume VIII research papers, book reviews, and comments for its upcoming Volume VIII. pronouncements relevant to the theme. It must identify and examine the line of cases in which the decision in question came about and comment on implications for the evolution of that branch of law.
3. Book Review: Word limit shall be around 1500 to 2000 words for review of a book relevant to the theme. The reviewer should identify the relevant arguments put forth by the author and present a comprehensive analysis of the same.
Guidelines for Submissions:
The submission of papers is open for Teachers/ Academicians/ Professionals/ Judges/ Jurists and Researchers. Only one co-author shall be allowed. Student can be the co-author.
The author(s) should strictly follow the Bluebook 20th edition for a uniform system of citation.
Headings should be according to the following standard:
• Headings: All Capitals & Bold Letters
• Sub-Headings: First letter Capital & Bold
Submissions should be in Times New Roman, 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing, justified text and 1-inch margins on all sides of an A4 sheet besides the center aligned page number at the bottom of each page.
Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10 font size with 1.0 line spacing.
Graphics, Charts, Tables, and Diagrams should be numbered consecutively and included in the body of the work.
In case of references from websites, complete URL address, along with the last date of accessing the website should be mentioned.
Last date of submission of the soft copy in Word Format of the manuscript is: 15th May, 2023
Submissions must be mailed at [email protected] with the subject Review/ Law and Policy analysis)” along with a Covering letter addressed to Chief Editor, NLUA Law & Policy Review.
The covering letter should include the author’s contact details, designation and institutional affiliation.
Submitted entries must not have been sent for consideration at any other place for publication.
All submissions will be scrutinized by the Review Committee and the shortlisted contributors shall be duly informed. “Submission for Volume VIII, Type of Submission (Article/ Case Comment/ Book
All submissions shall meet the UGC anti-plagiarism requirement- only 10% content similarity.
Mere submission of a manuscript shall not confer any claim for publication. The Editorial Board reserves all rights to take decision to publish the contribution or not. The Board’s decision as regards the interpretation of guidelines or any other matter related to the publication shall be final.
Editorial Board – NLUALPR:
o Dr. Diptimoni Boruah (Chief-Editor): 9085656171
o Dr. Thangzakhup Tombing (Co-Editor): 9957910148
o Dr. Mayengbam Nandakishwor Singh (Co-Editor): 7086241293
o Ms. Preeti Priyam Sharma (Co-Editor): 9706055021
o Ms. Monmi Gohain (Co-Editor): 8876513051
o Mr. Ankur Madhia (Co-Editor): 9355633557
National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam
Amingaon, Hajo Road, Guwahati – 31, Assam
For More Details Click HERE