About the Journal
International Review of Law and Technology (IROLT) is the Double Blind Peer Reviewed Scholarly Interdisciplinary International Journal.
The journal provides a platform to the original work of authors by way of open access system to reiterate the importance of law as an instrument of social change.
Through International Review of Law and Technology, we seek to bridge the gap between law and technology and to create an atmosphere of Techno-legal research.
Any theme related to Techno-Legal aspect is acceptable. Interdisciplinary approach and comparative research shall be encouraged.
Word Limit
Articles (3000-6000 words)
Short Notes (1000-3000 words)
Case Comments / Legislative Comments (1000-3000 words)
Book Reviews (1000-2000 words)
The limits are inclusive of footnotes.
Submission Guidelines
All entries shall be accompanied by a brief abstract of not more than 250 words (included in the word limit) highlighting the central theme of the paper.
(2) The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing.
Footnoting Style: The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Ed.), Referencing style : APA referencing style 7th Edition (2019), Any one of the two shall be used uniformly throughout the paper. Endnotes shall not be allowed and running footnotes should be avoided.
A margin of 2 centimetres shall be left on all the sides of the paper. No page borders, headers or footers shall be used.
The manuscript shall be submitted in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format only.
The paper should have an appropriate title.
The mail bearing the manuscript must indicate the category that the submission is intended for, i.e. Article/ Short Note/ Case or Legislative Comment/ Book Review.
The details of the authors, including their names, contact details (email id and phone number), name of the institution or their designation (as the case may be), shall be provided in a separate MS Word file.
Submission of every entry shall be acknowledged within 48 hours, subject to the preliminary review process.
The acceptance or rejection of the manuscript shall be conveyed to the author(s) within 7 days of its submission.
Co-authorship is permissible up to maximum of three authors.
For Submission Click HERE
Submit the article directly at [email protected]
For More Details Click HERE