Dharmashastra National Law University Student Law Journal calls for unique and unpublished research papers, Short Notes, Book Reviews, and Case Comments β Volume III (2024).
About The Journal:
Dharmashastra National Law University-Student Law Journal (DNLU-SLJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, student-run academic journal that endeavors to advance rigorous research across various facets of law, such as comparative, global, and transdisciplinary perspectives. As a flagship initiative of DNLU, the journal was conceptualized to provide a distinctive platform for expressing the opinions, thoughts, and views of the student fraternity through publications in the form of scholarly articles, research papers, book reviews, and case comments.
Any relevant theme pertaining to contemporary scholarly works in all fields of law will be welcomed for consideration.
Submission Guidelines
General Guidelines:
1) Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not be co-authored by more than two persons. Authors are permitted to submit only one manuscript per author or as co-authors, as the case may be.
2) Manuscripts must include an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract must highlight the structure and essence of the manuscript.
3) The journal has a strict zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism.
4) Authors are requested to strictly adhere to the submission guidelines.
5) All the submissions must comply with the Copyright and Open Access Policy.
6) Manuscripts not in conformity with the submission guidelines may be rejected at the sole discretion of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to send the manuscripts back to the author(s) for any modification(s) at any stage, in the event of non-conformity with any of the submission guidelines.
7) The Editorial Board may, in its discretion, waive any of the above rules or amend the process. In case of any dispute or ambiguity, the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.
Submission Categories:
Manuscripts on any topic of contemporary legal relevance shall meet the below-mentioned criteria :
1) Long Articles: 4,000β8,000 words
2) Short Articles: 3,000β4,000 words
3) Case Notes and Legislative Comments: 2,000β3,000 words
4) Book Reviews: 1,000β2,000 words
Note: The word limit is exclusive of the abstract and the footnotes.
Technical Guidelines:
1) Main title: Times New Roman, size 14, small capitals, centre aligned, in bold.
2) Headings within the main body: Times New Roman, size 12, upper case, left aligned, in bold.
3) Sub-headings within the main body: Times New Roman, size 12, title case, left aligned, in italics.
4) The submissions must conform to the 4th Edition of OSCOLA rules of citation.
5) Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, with font size 10 and 1.0 line spacing.
Submission Procedure:
1) Submissions must be made only through the electronic form available on the website (https://dnluslj.in/).
Link for submission:Β https://forms.gle/W6n3o3NKDwXjP3zt8
2) Submissions made through any other medium, including emails, shall not be considered for review by the Editorial Board.
3) All the submissions must be in (.docx) format. They must be word-processed and compatible with Microsoft Word 2007 or above.
4) The manuscript should not contain any information that can be used to identify the author(s). All the relevant details must be filled out only within the attached form.
5) The author(s) shall receive an email acknowledging the receipt of their manuscript within ten days of receiving the submission. If the same is not received, authors can write to us at [email protected]
Submissions must be made on or before 1st3March 2024.
For any further queries, contact us atΒ [email protected].
For more details, refer to the attached Brochure of Call for Papers, Vol. III.Β