About Journal
The DSNLU Journal of Science, Technology & Law published by CIPR & T bearing ISSN No- 2583-1208, is a peer-reviewed, double-blind and open access journal, with this third volume first issue discussing some seminal themes of IP & Technology aspects of contemporary relevance.
The issue explores a wide spectrum of thoughts and through its varied articulations attempts to open up dialogues in diverse domains of application of intellectual property laws and technology.
Eligibility: DSNLU Journal of Science, Technology & Law is accepting original and unpublished submissions from academicians, professionals, research scholars and students.
Theme: The peer-reviewed journal DSNLU Journal of Science, Technology & Law solicits high quality articles pertaining to areas of intellectual property law & Technology law.
Submission Guidelines
The authors must follow the guidelines given below
- Manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter in a separate document containing the following details of the author and co-author(s) (if any): Name; Affiliation / Academic Qualification; Contact Number and e-mail address; Postal address.
- A maximum number of authors permitted is two e., one author and one co-author
- The manuscript shall not contain the name and affiliation of the author(s).
- The manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of not exceeding 300 words, with five This must be the first page of the submission
- Similarity must not exceed 10%
- Co-authorship is not allowed in the case of Legislative
- All submissions should be made electronically in the form of an MS Word (.doc) file by filling the google form here by 31st May, 2023 11:59 PM.
- Title of the Manuscript must be [Your Name & Category of Submission] – Mahith & Long Article.
- The Review Process would take for a time period of not less than 12 weeks from the last date of
- The decision on the manuscripts will be communicated at the end of the completion of the Review
Formatting Guidelines
- The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Size 12 and 1.5 spacing.
- Title of the article Times New Roman, Size 14, Bold – Copyright Infringement in the Digital Era
- Main headings with Roman Numbers, Times New Roman, Size 12, Bold – I. Introduction
- Sub-headings with Numerical Times New Roman, Size 12, Bold and Italics – Perspectives from India
- Sub-headings of Level 2 Times New Roman, size 12, Italics – Lessons Learnt
- The citation must be given as a footnote and must conform to The Harvard Bluebook style of citation (21stedition).
- The footnotes and references should be in Times New Roman, size 10 and single
Note: The submissions will be rejected at the outright, if they are not complied with the above-mentioned formatting guidelines.
All the Articles Must strictly adhere to the following word Limit Long Articles – 5000 – 8000 Words
Long articles must be comprehensive and contain a rigorous in-depth analysis of the
contemporary problem(s) and idea(s) relating to Intellectual Property Rights. It should include identification of lacunae in the existing status quo along with alternatives, suggestions, and references to a range of sources.
Short Articles – 3000 – 5000 Words
Short articles should rigorously analyze the contemporary problem(s) and idea(s) relating to Intellectual Property Rights. They should ideally identify lacunae in the existing status quo, provide solutions, and alternative suggestions, and should include references to a range of sources.
Legislative Comment – 2000 – 3000 words
The comment should provide a rigorous analysis of a recent legislative instrument. It should examine the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have.
For any queries, please drop a mail to – [email protected].
For Previous Issues Visit – https://dsnlu.ac.in/dsnlu-journal-of-science-technology-and-law/
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