āThe Student Division International Council of Juristsā (headquarter in London) is a body of students working towards the promotion of administration of justice and the healthy development of law, suitable to social and economic needs of the peopleā.
The Council is actively involved in organizing campaigns for legal awareness and legal information to be used as a tool for advancement of public good. The Council intends to promote rule of law and social justice by making provision of free legal aid and by maintenance of an efficient system of legal advice.
We at council are dedicated to achieve following aims and objectives.
1. To apply the knowledge and the experience in the field of law for the promotion of the public good.
2. To promote uniformity of the legislation and of the judicial decisions in all civilized nations.
3. To promote the administration of justice and law and its healthy development, suitable to the social, economic and other needs of the people.
4. To uphold and promote the Rule of Law and social justice
1. To promote and protect the privileges, interest and prestige of the Council and to promote co-operation and solidarity among the attorneys, barristers, solicitors, pleaders, counsels, and advocates practicing in different countries.
2. To improve relations and cooperation amongst members of the Bar, between the Bar and the Bench, between the Bar and the public, and the Bench and the public and between the Bench, Bar and the jurists and the Bench, Bar and the jurists of other countries and also with the press, teachers of law and law students.
3. To work in cooperation with other societies, institutions and organizations (national or international) in the pursuit of all or any of the aims and objects of the Council
1. To assist the Bar in upholding its rights and the dignity in its relations with the executive, judiciary and legislation of their respective governments.
2. To uphold the honour, dignity and the independence of the Bar and the Bench, jurists, teachers and students of law and members of the press.
3. To set up a code of professional conduct, discipline and etiquette
1. To promote the science of jurisprudence and to encourage and conduct research and investigations in legal and allied fields.
2. To coordinate with governments, governmental organizations and agencies, non-governmental organizations, statutory bodies, and international organizations to disseminate information and impart knowledge and legal education to the public at large.
3. To improve the standard of legal education.
4. To establish legal institutions, educational institutions and ancillary institutions.
1. To organize campaigns for legal awareness and create a sense of self-confidence based upon legal knowledge of the people at large irrespective of caste, creed, religion and geographical boundaries.
2. To take measures for the provision of free legal aid to the poor and the establishment and maintenance of a system of prompt and efficient legal advice for persons irrespective of their income in all legal systems.
1. To sponsor delegates and representatives from amongst members and non-members of the Council to visit different places and participate in international, national and state level seminars, conferences, lectures and other events for carrying out the purposes of the Council
2. To organize seminars, conferences, lectures and other events in any of the world for training of jurists, members of legal profession, teachers of law, law students, the Bench and the public at large in matters relating to forensic science and allied areas and to work in co-ordination with international and national bodies for the said purpose.
3. To conduct and hold seminars, symposia, conferences, rallies, protests in any part of the world on issues and topics of interest to the jurists, members of legal profession, teachers of law, law students and the Bench and the public at large.
4. To promote, organize and participate in International, National and State organizations of jurists, judges, lawyers and law teachers, law students and the press.
1. To publish newspapers, magazines, periodicals, publication of articles, treaties, books, reports and other relevant literature, and also to publish āThe International Juristā.
2. To take measures with a view to provide an efficient system of law reporting and promote publication of works on law.
Board of Advisors
ā¢ Honāble Dr. Adish C Aggarwala, Sr Advocate, Supreme Court of India, President, International Council of Jurists,London
ā¢ Honāble Mr.Justice Awn S. AlāKhasawneh, Ex. Prime Minister of Jordan, Ex. Vice President, International Court of Justice
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, Ex. Chief Justice of Pakistan
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha, Chief Justice of Bangladesh
ā¢ The Rt. Honāble Mr. David Lammy, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom, Ex. Minister of State for Innovation, Universities & Skills of the United Kingdom
ā¢ Honāble Sir James R. Mancham, KBE-Ph.D,Founding President of Republic of Seychelles
ā¢ Honāble Prof. (Dr). Holger Matt, Chairman, European Criminal Bar Association
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice Augustino Ramadhani, Judge, African Court of Human Peopleās Rights, Ex. Chief Justice of Tanzania
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice Al-Ustaad Abdullah Saeed,Chief Justice of Maldives
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice Andrew Nyirenda, SC, Chief Justice of Malawi
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice Alnashir Visram, Judge of the Court of Appeal of Kenya
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Justice James M. Farley,Ex. Judge, Supreme Court of Ontario (Canada)
ā¢ Honāble Mr. Pham Quoc Anh, MP, President, Vietnam Lawyers Association
The membership structure would work in a two tier system comprising of a Gold and Silver membership plans. ICJ is student driven entity and hence we need students to take maximum participation in building up this organization. To run our organization and promote the culture of legal studies we need a small gift amount as to the membership fees in return of which we provide lucrative incentives to our prospective members.
Gold Membership:
This membership plan is available to all Students who are currently pursuing a Graduation/ Post-Graduation Degree in Law.
Membership Fees: 1200 Rs
1. A Certificate of Membership
2. A Certificate of Recommendation
3. Free Pass to all ICJ conferences (Excluding transportation)
4. Free Publication in a reputed Journal
5. Discounts on conference fees organized by our partners.
6. Member will get Identity Card and Certificate of Membership in electronic form through e-mail.
7. The Member has the opportunity to participate in Conferences and Seminars organized by the Council. The Council provides the member with an opportunity to interact with eminent Judges, Jurists and legal luminaries from various countries, to exchange information, to expand their professional network and an opportunity to advance their interests.
8. In addition, the member while participating in the conference will be presented a Memento as a token of appreciation or will also receive two photographs of participation in the conference.
Silver Membership:
This membership plan is available to all Students who are currently pursuing a Graduation/ Post-Graduation Degree in Law.
Membership Fees: 700 Rs
1. A Certificate of Membership
2. Free Pass to all ICJ conferences (Excluding transportation)
3. Member will get Identity Card and Certificate of Membership in electronic form through e-mail.
The membership will have to be renewed on an annual basis and former members would receive a rebate on the membership fees:
Rebate for former members:
ā¢ Gold Membership: 300 Rs.
ā¢ Silver Membership: 200 Rs.
The payment may kindly be remitted by Bank transfer to Bank Account Number: 000701255659, Swift Code: ICICINBBXXX; RTGS No. ICIC0000007 with ICICI Bank Limited, Connaught Place Branch, New Delhi
Send us Cheque/Bank Draft in favour of Indian Council of JuristsĀ payable at New Delhi, India at Indian Council of Jurists Office at DS-423/424, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060.
To expedite the formalities, kindly also send the application form along with facsimile copy of the Cheque/Bank Draft on E-mail: [email protected]
For more detals please email our us [email protected] or call us +91-8255090897 or visit www.studentdivisionicj.org
Membership brochure: –Ā membership-brochure-icj