Agrasar National Travel Blogging Competition 2016: Submit by March 31

Agrasar Foundation is an autonomous organisation which promotes social travel and tourism in India.
We aim to facilitate better understanding of Indian art, culture, cuisine, cinema, traditions and languages through crowd-sourced and collaborative learning mechanisms by creating a community of passionate travel enthusiasts, bloggers and photographers to showcase various aspects discussed above in a novel and innovative way.
The organisation is headquartered in Lucknow and the pan-Indian team comprises of most promising college students and young professionals who bring their vibrant perspectives to the organisation and are unified by the common vision of promoting the ideas, programs and mechanisms pursued by the organisation.

Last Date of Submission

31st March, 2016, 11:59 PM (IST)

Word Limit

2000 Words


Popular Choice – Summer Internship and 25% Scholarship for Gaon Chaley Hum
Jury Choice – Summer Internship and 25% Scholarship for Gaon Chaley Hum


Your blog post must be original/authentic content and not previously published elsewhere, neither on the web nor in print.
You agree not to publish it anywhere else, including your own blog or website.
You may, however, post a summary on your site that links to the post.
You may also publish your post summaries and links to the post through social networks.
A blog-post may contain various text or image links to other websites, articles or blogs which it references or describes, as long as the subject and content of the blog post being submitted stands on its own as a meaningful contribution to our community.
Blog-posts which are considered as an advertisement for your services, or the equivalent of a sponsored post, will not be published.
We reserve the right to change your text font and text formatting, in line with the design of our blog, and we may re-format approved posts to create a consistent look and feel among all blog posts.
Please avoid excess formatting. Bold and italics should be used only when necessary for clarity. CAPS should be avoided.
We reserve the right to disallow contents and comments at any time.


The official languages of the blog are English and Hindi. Other languages may be used in a limited fashion in sentences if deemed necessary.

Submission Procedure

Posts can be emailed to us in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) attachments along with relevant pictures in the following format (.jpg, .jpeg or .png) at [email protected]
While you submit your post, we would love to know more about you through a brief introduction (written in third person).
Please also include your profile picture and contact details so that we can get back to you at the earliest.
All shortlisted entries will be posted in the Blog section of the website.
Winner of Popular Choice prize will be selected on basis of number of blog-post views on the website and number of likes on the blog-post link posted our Facebook page.
Winner of Jury Choice prize will be selected by our Jury on basis of Content, Coherence, and Quality.
For More Details Click HERE

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