Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur (MNLU, Nagpur) is established by the way of enactment known as the Maharashtra National Law University Act (Maharashtra Act No. VI of 2014) and the University takes pride to be the Nineteenth National Law University in the country. The University is committed achieving excellence in the field of legal education by promoting innovative research in the field of Law, Social Sciences and Humanities. The University is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for its Ph.D. Degree programme 2021.
1. Eligibility for Admission
To be admitted to the candidature for a Ph.D. Degree Programme an applicant shall have :
(a) Obtained a Master’s Degree in Law (regular mode) from any recognised University including a foreign University securing not less than 55% marks or its equivalent.
(b) Obtained a Master’s Degree (regular mode) in any discipline from a recognized University including a foreign University with not less than 55% marks or its equivalent. Provided that the candidate with qualifications in Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities may pursue his / her research interfacing with public policy or law. Provided further that the candidate whose final result of the qualifying examination is awaited, for any reason, shall be allowed to appear provisionally in the admission test. Such candidate shall have to produce the final result of the qualifying examination at the time of the final presentation of his / her Ph.D. proposal.
Provided further that the requirement of 55% marks or its equivalent at Master’s Degree is relaxed to 50% marks or its equivalent in case of candidate belonging to SC / ST / OBC (non- creamy layer) and Specially Abled Persons (SAP).
(c) A Judge who has served for minimum three years as a Judge of High Court in India or Judge of the Supreme Court of India.
(d) The candidate who has passed the Company Secretary examination conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and has been awarded the Associate Membership of the Institute (ACS) and having a Bachelor Degree in Law from a recognised University through regular stream shall be eligible for admission to the programme. Provided that the research he / she wishes to pursue interfaces with a special focus on public policy or law.
(e) The candidate who has passed the Chartered Accountants examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi and has been awarded Membership of the Institute and having a Bachelor Degree in Law from a recognised University through regular stream shall be eligible for admission to the programme. Provided that the research he / she wishes to pursue interfaces with a special focus on public policy or law.
The Vice-Chancellor may permit a faculty member of the Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur to take up Ph.D. Degree Programme along with his / her teaching assignment in the interest of faculty development, provided that his / her teaching assignment(s) and other responsibilities do not hamper in any way and fulfills the eligibility conditions prescribed in these Regulations.
2. Procedure for Admission
(i) There shall be an All India Entrance Test (AIET) for Ph.D. Degree programme. All the candidates including Foreign Nationals and NRI who wish to pursue Ph.D. Degree programme at the University shall be subject to AIET. The University reserves the right to conduct the said test in the city Nagpur.
(ii) All the candidates who have applied for Ph.D. Degree programme shall appear for All India Entrance Test except those who have qualified UGC NET, JRF, CSIR, SLET, GATE, M.Phil., a Judge who has served for minimum three years as a Judge of High Court in India or Judge of the Supreme Court of India, as per these Regulations. A candidate who has already obtained Ph.D. Degree in any of the disciplines shall also be exempted from All India Entrance Test (AIET) for subsequent Ph. D. Degree Programme.
Provided that the research he / she wishes to pursue interfaces with a special focus on public policy or law.
(iii) The qualifying marks at the All India Entrance Test shall be 55% for the General Category candidates and 50% for the candidates from other categories, i.e., SC / ST / OBC (non-creamy layer) and Specially Abled Persons.
(iv) All the candidates who have passed the All India Entrance Test as well as those who are exempted under clause (ii) above are required to attend an interaction with the Research Committee on their preliminary proposal of research.
(v) All the candidates who have passed the All India Entrance Test as well as those who are exempted from it are required to submit a preliminary proposal (both in soft and Page 2 of 6 hard copy) of research not exceeding 1500 words indicating the hypothesis, statement of problem, research outlines, set of research questions, proposed research methodology, survey of literature and expected outcomes of the research.
(vi) All research proposals including the preliminary proposals shall be screened through the anti-plagiarism software. If the percentage of plagiarism for any proposal exceeds 15% of the total work or 10% of total work from a single source then the candidate shall not be called for the interaction.
(vii) The preliminary proposals shall be evaluated by all members of the Research Committee and based on the evaluation the preliminary proposals shall be short listed and only shortlisted candidates shall be called for interaction with the Research Committee.
(viii) All the candidates who have passed the All India Entrance Test and successfully qualified interaction with the Research Committee on the preliminary proposals shall be admitted provisionally to Ph.D. Degree Programme. Such candidates shall be required to attend a mandatory course work of a minimum of sixteen credits designed and conducted by the University.
(ix) The candidate must obtain a minimum 55 % marks or its equivalent grade in the course work in order to be eligible to continue in the Doctoral programme.
(x) After successful completion of the course work, the candidate shall submit his / her final research proposal (both in soft and hard copy) not exceeding 5000 words within a period of three months.
(xi) Candidates who have qualified the All India Entrance Test, interaction with the Research Committee on preliminary proposal and also completed the course work shall be given two opportunities to re-submit their final proposal on the basis of the recommendations of the Research Committee.
(xii) The final research proposals shall be evaluated by all members of the Research Committee and based on the evaluation the final research proposals shall be short listed.
(xiii) All candidates whose final proposals are shortlisted shall be required to present their final research proposals before the Research Committee. Subsequent to the presentation, the Committee shall recommend either to register provisionally the proposal or seek its re-submission in accordance with suggested modifications.
(xiv) Once a candidate successfully qualifies All India Entrance Test, interaction with the Research Committee on Pre-proposal, Course Work, and makes the presentation on the final research proposal before the Research Committee. He / she shall be allowed to get final admission into Ph.D. Degree Programme. However, the title of the proposed thesis shall also be made final during the presentation on final proposal of research.
(xv) The period of registration for Ph.D. Degree Programme shall be counted either from the date of provisional admission or final admission, as approved by the Research Committee.
(xvi) Not later than three months after the final admission, the title so approved by the Research Committee shall not be substantially altered except with the permission of the Research Committee.
3. Syllabus for All India Entrance Test (AIET)
(i) The All India Entrance Test shall comprise of 25 (Twenty Five) multiple choice questions of one mark each and 5 (Five) short descriptive questions to be attempted out of 10 (Ten) questions of 5 (Five) marks each. There shall be two compulsory questions of 25 (Twenty Five) marks each wherein the candidate shall write Essay on any two topics of his / her area of interest in about maximum 1000 (one thousand) words. The Examination shall be of three hours duration.
(ii) (a) The multiple choice questions shall be from the core areas of law, legal and logical reasoning; (b) the short descriptive questions and essay type questions shall be from Contract Law, Jurisprudence, Personal Laws, Constitutional Law, International Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights Law, Environmental Law, Corporate Law and Intellectual Property Law; and (c) essay shall be evaluated on critical legal thinking, legal language and comprehension exhibited by the candidate.
(iii) Special care shall be taken for the candidates of sciences, social sciences and humanities. If the research they wish to pursue interfaces with a special focus on public policy or law, the question paper shall be prepared accordingly.
4. Test Center: The University has decided to conduct the All India Entrance Test (AIET) for Ph.D. Degree Programme 2021 only at Nagpur.
5. Fee Structure
(i) Fee Structure for Indian Nationals
Rs.2,000/- Application Fee
Rs.15,000/- Registration Fee (at the time of admission)
Rs.25,000/- Course Work Fee (at the time of admission)
Rs.10,000/- Annual Fee (every year)
Rs.6,000/- Library fee (annual)
Rs.10,000/- Library Caution Money (refundable)
Rs.10,000/- Hostel Caution Money (refundable)
Rs.6,000/- Internet/ Electronic Database (annual)
Rs.5,000/- Fee for Change of Area of Research
Rs.10,000/- Fee for pre-submission of thesis.
Rs.20,000/- Fee for final presentation
Rs.10,000/- Examination Fee (at the time of submission of Thesis) Rs.15,000/- Re-examination Fee (at the time of submission of Thesis) Rs.20,000/- Re-submission of Thesis Fee Rs.500/- Provisional Certificate
Hostel and Mess charges would be on actual basis.
(ii) Fee Structure for Foreign Nationals and NRI
Rs.4,000/- Application Fee
Rs.30,000/- Registration Fee (at the time of admission)
Rs.50,000/- Course Work Fee (at the time of admission)
Rs.20,000/- Annual Fee (every year)
Rs.12,000/- Library fee (annual)
Rs.10,000/- Library Caution Money (refundable)
Rs.10,000/- Hostel Caution Money (refundable)
Rs.12,000/- Internet/ Electronic Database (annual)
Rs.10,000/- Fee for Change of Area of Research
Rs.20,000/- Fee for pre-submission of thesis.
Rs.40,000/- Fee for final presentation
Rs.20,000/- Examination Fee (at the time of submission of Thesis) Rs.30,000/- Re-examination Fee (at the time of submission of Thesis) Rs.40,000/- Re-submission of Thesis Fee
Rs.1,000/- Provisional Certificate
Hostel and Mess charges would be on actual basis.
Note: The fee structure is subject to revision by the statutory bodies of the University from time to time.
6. Categories of Enrolment
The University shall be offering Ph.D. Degree Programme with full time and part time enrolments which shall be as followed:
Full-time Enrolment
- (a) Enrolment for the Ph.D. Degree Programme shall ordinarily be full-time. The candidate shall put in a minimum of three years, including course work during which the candidate is required to stay at the University for a minimum period of 12 months. There shall thus, be a provision for the candidate to earn credits for research work done outside the University.
- (b) Six years shall be the maximum period in which a full time candidate shall complete the research work and submit it for evaluation.
Part-time Enrolment
(a) A part-time candidate shall put in a minimum of four years, including course work, of part-time study in the University including time spent for research at any other place with the permission of the Supervisor.
Provided that the part-time candidate shall put in residence in the University for at least a total period of twelve months spread over the four year period.
(b) Six years shall be the maximum period in which the part-time candidate shall complete the research work and submit it for evaluation.
7. Correspondence
Interested candidates are required to apply through the link provided. No other mode of application shall be accepted. Candidates can apply by clicking on this link at https://fs29.formsite.com/wSFJ6S/MNLU_Nagpur_Ph-D-2021/index.html
Application Fee: Rs.2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only) for Indian Nationals Candidates and Rs.4,000/- (Rupees Four Thousand Only) for Foreign Nationals Candidates. The application fee shall be paid through below mentioned SBI Collect link: https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm
by transferring the application fee electronically to Current Account No. 35882247161 State Bank of India, Ravi Nagar Branch, Nagpur IFSC Code–SBIN0007504, MICR Code – 440002015 and mention the DU Reference No. or Transaction No. in the online application form.
For any further clarification with regard to admissions please contact Admission Section: Email to: [email protected]
Contact No: 9112032233.
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