Kapil Mishra, a high achieving Aam Aadmi Party MLA has replaced Jitender Singh Tomar as the Law Minister of Delhi after Tomar was expelled from the party due to the allegations of fake law degree against him.
Kapil Mishra has been a human rights campaigner for a long time, and has worked with organisations like Greenpeace and Amnesty. Currently he works as the vice chairman of the Delhi Jal Board and is a social entrepreneur, according to his social media profile.
He is the third person to hold this position since the party has come to power, after Somnath Bharati and Jitender Singh Tomar. Both these people got into huge controversies while holding the chair. Hence, Sharma carries a huge burden of impressing the people with his work as the Law Minister of the capital.
Author: Akshay Goel, Hidayatullah National Law University