Karnataka High Court and Supreme Court advocate, KV Dhananjay, has commissioned a web developer to build a website that is intended to allow advocates to rate judges on three parameters – knowledge, integrity and cordiality.
Dhananjay, whose recent research that only 7 per cent of Supreme Court cases concerned constitutional issues found resonance in February in even the apex court bench, said that the site would start by allowing rating of Karnataka high court judges and expand to include other courts soon.
He remarked, “Judges are human beings just like everybody else and a reliable feedback from lawyers could let them improve themselves.” He further asserted that this was going to be a learning curve and to begin with advocates would rate judges on three criteria: ‘Knowledge of law and depth of understanding’, ‘Honesty and integrity’ and ‘Cordiality and professionalism’. The scale would run from 0 to 10. A score of 0 would mean the least quality.
He also added that he had carefully read the law of contempt and nothing that he propose to do and nothing of the planned outcome would constitute contempt of any court. But also asserted that a court of law has the final say in determining whether an act constitutes a contempt of court and he does not rule out the possibility that a court might construe all of this as contempt and seek to punish him.