Sardar Patel University of Police Security and Criminal Justice (SPUP) has started a multidisciplinary, biannual, peer reviewed research journal “International Journal of Police Security and Criminal Justice (IPSC)“.
The objective of the Journal is to disseminate knowledge, research based findings and its application for the benefit of everyone ranging from students to the academics and professional research communities. It will serve as a forum for review, reflection and discussion informed by the results of relevant research.
We are also focusing to introduce journal as a research platform for Computer Science, Social science, Humanities, Behavioral science and Management researchers in order to discuss their experience and research work with other experts and professionals of their respective fields, sub-fields and other areas; thus bridging the gap between research theories and its interdisciplinary connection , relevance and application.
The journal publishes original papers on current; research based theoretical and practical studies, review papers, constructive criticisms, short notes, book reviews, reports of meetings and professional announcements.
Important date:
Last date for submitting the manuscript (vol no.1, issue no.1): 15th July 2015
For further details, click HERE