It is the need of the hour to strive for a balance between the exploitation of natural resources on the one hand, and to conserve the same through the process of sustainable development, on the other. The judicious use of existing natural resources will ensure an eco-friendly environment and harmonious human-nature relationship. In the light of the aforesaid facts, the proposed seminar will to provide opportunities to researchers, tehnocrates, planners and NGOs concerned with Earth Sciences, Social Sciences, Agro Sciences, Environmental Sciences etc. to bring together the crux of their research and experiences. The seminar intends to work out a strategy based on the research papers presented and discussions held during its various technical sessions. A comprehensive discussion will also be held on specific problems of Himalayan development.
Important Dates:
Submission of abstract : July 15-31, 2015
Acceptance of abstract : August 15-30, 2015
Submission of full paper : Sept. 30, 2015
For further details, click HERE