Prof. N R Madhava Menon Interdisciplinary Centre for Research Ethics and Protocols is an Inter University Centre of Excellence which undertakes research and academic programs in the area of law, bioethics as well as in all areas of application of research ethics. The Centre is housed in the main campus of Cochin university of science and technology, Kerala.
About the Seminar
Biological invasions have recently been reported by the Intergovernmental Science- Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) as causing irreversible damages to biological diversity and the ecosystems worldwide, resulting in local and global species extinctions, economic, social and human health challenges, and as a major impediment to the quality of life. The report also highlights the gravity of the challenges posed to effective addressal of biological invasions, by the absent or fragmented national regulations.
The state of Kerala has undergone several waves of alien species invasions in both the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The 2018 floods in Kerala had catastrophic impacts upon the state’s native biodiversity as it lead to the escape of several alien fishes which were cultured in farms, into the natural waters like river systems and lake ecosystems. Some of them were not legally sanctioned for importing into the country, such as alligator gar, red bellied piranhas and arapaima, pointing out the need for improved institutional monitoring in import of species in the country. Extensive growth of exotics like the Senna spectabilis and Lantana camara in the biodiverse forests have also been a matter of concern in the state for several years. However, the general awareness on the impacts of such alien species invasions is far from satisfactory in the state as well as in the whole country of India, which is evident through the inadequate legal and institutional framework existing in the country on the matter.
In fact, it was the seemingly inexorable spread of the giant African snails in the state, that had in the recent times raised awareness among the policy makers, ecologists and most importantly, among the common men, on the consequences of biological invasions and the need for preventing them. The researches undertaken in the state by agencies like Kerala Forest Research Institute and Indian Council of Agricultural Research, universities like Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology and NGOs like Atree have also contributed significant empirical evidences regarding the occurrence and uncontrolled spread and potential biodiversity challenges of alien species invasions.
In this backdrop, this seminar will help in planning and suggesting timely initiatives for effective management of biological invasions affecting the state’s native biodiversity by fostering a productive discussion involving the scientific, research as well as legal fraternity.
The opportunity is open to scholars, researchers, students and academicians working on the issues of environmental sciences, fisheries, marine sciences, law and its intersections.
Call for Papers for Online Presentation
The seminar will be conducted in hybrid mode wherein the presentations will be held online. Papers are invited for online presentation at the seminar on the following themes:
1.Aquatic ecosystems and biological invasions
2.Terrestrial ecosystem and biological invasions
3.Invasive alien species threats to marine biodiversity 4.Scientific affirmation and responses on biological invasions 5.Response of national legal framework on biological invasions 6.International legal landscape on biological invasions 7.Biological invasions in forest ecosystems
8.Biological invasions and the Right to livelihood
9.Climate change and biological invasions
10. Biological invasions and biosafety.
Submission Procedure
All submissions should be sent along with a covering letter through E-mail to [email protected]. The document should be in Microsoft word (.docx) format.
Submission Guidelines Stage 1: Abstract Submission
Abstracts shall contain a maximum of 250 words and at least five key words. Abstract must be accompanied by a covering letter containing the name of the author, designation, contact number and mail address.
Stage 2: Full Paper Submission
On acceptance of abstract, the full paper may be submitted via mail to [email protected] with the subject line “Full paper submission- ICREP KSBB Seminar”
The layout of full paper must be as follows:
Font: Times New Roman,
Font size: headings -14; Body-12,
Line Spacing: 1.5,
Margin: Left-1.5; Right-1; Top-1; Bottom-1, Footnotes: Times New Roman with Font size-10, Sub headings: Times New Roman-12, Left Aligned.
Co-authorship is allowed for up to a maximum of 2 authors.
The word limit for article shall be 4000-8000 words.
Footnotes should be in Bluebook (20th ed.) citation format.
All papers will be checked for plagiarism and papers exceeding 10% similarity will be summarily rejected.
The author is required to attach a declaration form stating that his/her work is original and hasn’t been published anywhere or not in consideration for publication elsewhere.
Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 12th January, 2024
Communication of Acceptance of Abstract: 13th January, 2024
Last date to complete registration using google form: 19th January, 2024
The last date for Submission of Full Paper: 19th January, 2024 Date of Seminar : 23 & 24, January, 2024
Link for Registration : https://forms.gle/qFYqqEMK4K5AeizV8
Important points to note:
*All the presentations will be conducted online.
*Participation in all the sessions is mandatory for issuance of certificates.
For further details, contact:
Prof. N. R. Madhava Menon Interdisciplinary Centre for Research Ethics and Protocols, CUSAT
Mob:8078019688; Mail:[email protected]