The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act 2006 (Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The Act incorporated a University of Law of national stature in Punjab, to fulfil the need for a Centre of Excellence in legal education in the modern era of globalization and liberalization. The University acquired approval of the Bar Council of India (BCI) in July 2006. The University also got registered with the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi under Section 2(f) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and has been declared fit to obtain grant from the (UGC) under Section 12-B of the UGC Act, 1956. The University was accredited with ‘A’ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2015. RGNUL, Punjab was granted autonomy under UGC Regulations, Clause 5 Dimensions of Autonomy for Category-II Universities in April 2018. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, ranked RGNUL the first amongst the cleanest Higher Educational Institutions, Swachh Campus (2019) in the category of Government Residential Universities.
The population of senior citizens in India is on the rise and in-fact, India’s ageing population is one of the fastest growing population in the world. Traditionally, elderly were regarded as the head of the family and were given the highest regards by the family and the community especially in India. In India senior citizens in the family were revered being the enlightened members of the clan who have acquired wisdom through experience and exposure. The young members of the family used to feel lucky to have the blessings and guidance of the elderly in the family. The elderly used to guide the family and the clan in various walks of life. However, rapid industrialization, urbanization and the consequent growth of nuclear families has turned the tables upside down. Consequently, the elderly members of our family, in many households, have slipped away from the limelight into oblivion.
In Indian patriarchal society the sons are expected to take care of their parents whereas the daughters shift to their in-laws place or the place of the husband leaving the parents to their fate. In many such cases, due to movement of the bread-earner sons to far flung places, the elderly are left alone to spend the late years of their life in solitude waiting for their nears and dears to visit them. In some cases where the elderly live with their families, because of their deteriorating physical and mental state, the older individuals are perceived as weak and reliant on younger family members or children for their sustenance and caregiving.
In this phase of their life, many older people are expected to retire from employment and are presumed to be less productive. At this stage of their lives, more often than not, due to increasing cost on health-related aspects, the finances, if any of the older people are insufficient, leaving them vulnerable to unstable finances.
Importantly older adults also need emotional and social support from friends, spouses, and kids. But a lot of people struggle with the loss of a friend or spouse, which leads to loneliness and sadness. Due to factors like migration, a lack of mechanisms like paid leaves for caring for elderly relatives, and an increased emphasis on careerism and individuality, children in today’s culture also neglect their elderly parents. This forces older people even more into mental health issues.
The problem gets compounded in Punjab, in particular, where there is a strong desire in many households to send children for settling in foreign countries and in such circumstances, the parents are left all alone to fend for themselves in all adversities.
Keeping the problems encountered by senior citizens, various legislative and executive measures have been initiated by the governments. Apart from various welfare programmes launched by the Union government, the Parliament of India enacted The Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 to provide a right and procedure to the parents and senior citizens for claiming and recovery maintenance from children. However, the implementation of the Act is not free from complexities. The Act has not been able to sort out the issue of access to justice for the senior citizens.
It must not be lost sight of that the elderly persons have devoted their lives to serving the family and society and their life experiences should not be wasted. While taking into account their comforts and preferences, it is important to take care of and utilize their extensive exposure, knowledge, and talents. Involving them is essential if they are to learn about the real-world applications of lives, livelihoods, and cultures. Recognizing them as a crucial component of our families and society is necessary due to their unwavering contribution in the current society.
In this backdrop, this seminar is proposed to be conducted to address various issues confronted by senior citizens and elderly people especially in Punjab and the north western region and to find out solution for the same.
The sub-themes for the Seminar are as under:
- Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007
- Implementation Mechanism under the 2007 Act and Senior Citizens
- Access to Justice and Right to Speedy Justice for senior Citizens
- Senior Citizens and Right to Property
- Senior Citizens and Right to Health
- Evaluation and Management of Age-Related Impairments
- Government Welfare Schemes Regarding Senior Citizens
- Elderly People and Domestic Violence
- Elderly People, Psycho-social concerns and Psychological Abuse
- Role of Tribunals, Courts and Lawyers and their Intervention for Senior Citizens
- Assessment and Treatment of Age-related Disabilities
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