Hidayatullah National Law University is a premier University in the field of legal education and research. The University is celebrating 20th Year of establishment. The University’s motto, “Dharma Sansthapanartham” translates to ‘for the sake of establishing the primacy of laws of eternal values.’ In line with this ethos, HNLU strives to provide advanced legal education that shapes students into more than just legal professionals; it instils in them a profound responsibility to contribute to the society.
The University has launched several innovative programmes in the last few years like Lex Osmose, Ex Arca, HNLU Press, Sui Generis, HEXA, HAAi and R-HaS.
The year 2023 signifies a significant milestone in the realm of human rights, as it marks the 75th Human Rights Day, celebrated on December 10. This occasion offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the progress achieved in advancing the cause of human rights while recognizing the complexities and challenges that persist in our contemporary world.
Against this backdrop, Centre for Law and Human Rights and Centre for Law and Economics, HNLU is proposing for a One-Day Online International Conference on ‘Human Rights in a Contemporary World: Prospects and Challenges’. The conference aims to evaluate the extent to which the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have been realized. The conference also seeks to address the contemporary challenges that human rights face in the 21st century. These challenges encompass a wide spectrum, including issues related to climate change, gender equality, and the impact of the digital age on fundamental rights. By shedding light on these challenges, the conference underscores the ongoing hurdles in the human rights landscape.
The conference also seeks to serve a platform to explore innovative solutions, policies, and practices that can advance the cause of human rights. These discussions will be relevant at both the global and local levels, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to human rights.
In commemorating the 75th Human Rights Day in 2023, it becomes increasingly crucial to reiterate our unwavering commitment to the fundamental principles of human rights. It seeks to inspire action and foster collaboration, ultimately striving for a world where human rights are universally respected, protected, and fulfilled.
- Delve into the positive impacts, challenges, prospects, and loopholes in the implementation of human rights.
- Bring together academics, researchers, professionals, and stakeholders to discuss current issues and trends, with a focus on incorporating human rights norms into ethical practice.
- Formulate mechanisms to foster deeper awareness, understanding, and adherence to the concept and various facets of human rights.
- Environmental Sustainability and Human Rights
- Digital Literacy and Human Rights
- Food Security and Social Welfare
- Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
- Inclusive Development and Poverty Alleviation
- Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Global Citizenship and Responsibilities
Note: The above sub themes are indicative. The participants may choose any topic relevant to the main theme of the conference.
We invite original research papers from academicians, professionals, practitioners, researchers, students of law and related social sciences, and other stakeholders on the main theme and sub-themes. Selected research papers may be published in an edited book by a reputable publisher with an ISBN.
- The abstract of the paper shall consist of 300 words accompanied by a brief profile of the Author(s) indicating their email ID, contact number, designation, and official address.
- The full papers should consist 3000 – 5000 words (inclusive of footnotes) in Microsoft Word Document.
- It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with 1.5-line spacing.
- Plagiarized papers will be summarily rejected.
- For referencing, author(s) are required to follow ‘The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition’ format.
Please Scan QR Code or Click the Link given below:
To be paid after Acceptance of Abstract
For Paper Presentation
Academicians and Professionals: INR 1000
Research Scholars: INR 750
Students: INR 500
For participation without presentation: INR 300 per person
Note: Co-authorship up to a maximum of two authors is allowed. In case co-authors from two different heads mentioned above respective registration fee shall be paid individually. Registration fee is payable only after the acceptance of abstract.
(Kindly mention “For Human Rights Conference” as the purpose of transaction during payment of fee)
Account Holder’s Name- Registrar, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur
Bank Name IDBI Bank
Account No. 1188102000000806
IFSC Code IBKL0001188
MICR Code 492259503
Branch Name HNLU Campus Branch, Uparwara, Naya Raipur
Account Type Current A/C
Submission of abstract- 20th November, 2023
Intimation of abstract acceptance- 22th November, 2023
Submission of full paper along with registration fee- 5th December, 2023
Date of Conference- 10th December, 2023
For further queries and information, please contact:
Dr. Kiran Kori
Secretary and Head, Centre for Law and Human Rights
EMAIL ID [email protected]
Contact no.:
Dr. Eritriya Roy
Co-Secretary and Head, Centre for Law and Economics
Contact no. 8253022661