The Centre for Policy and Research in International Law (CPRIL), initially established in 2016, is a platform focusing on international laws. With its commitment to disseminating high-quality research, facilitating knowledge exchange, and addressing pressing global challenges, CPRIL is poised to make a significant impact in the field of international law.
Considering the rising powers of the States globally and increasing spheres requiring cooperation, the need has been felt to study the same and provide different perspectives on the issues at hand. Encouraging legal research and writing is one way of achieving the said goal, thus, the Centre is pleased to announce the 1st Edition of the NLUJ International Law Blog Writing Competition. The essay competition will be based on different themes reflecting the current issues.
The competition is being supported by Majmudar & Partners. Established in 1943, they have evolved into one of India’s premier law firms representing the who’s who of global companies, banks, and financial institutions. They specialize in inbound investments into India, corporate/M&A, competition, banking and finance, private equity and venture capital, tax, technology, media and telecommunications, employment, projects and energy, and disputes.
Eligibility Criteria
Students/research scholars enrolled in any UG/PG/Ph.D. course from any university are eligible to participate in the competition.
- Conflict and International Law:
- Sanctions and International Law
- Responsibility to Protect under International Law
- Cyber security and AI under International Law
- Environment and International Law:
- India and International Environmental Law
- Evolution of Common but differential responsibility principles
- Effectiveness of Anti-wild life trafficking treaties
Word limit: 1200 to 1800 words
Further information can be accessed on – https://www.cpril.in/editorial-policy
Awards and Rewards:
Publication: The submissions will be selected after rigorous peer reviews and further the top three submissions will be published by the NLUJ CPRIL blog. (Note- Other submissions may also be published subject to the discretion of the Editorial Board. The authors will be duly informed about the same.)
Cash Prizes: The top three prizes will be awarded cash prizes of Rs. 5,000, Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 2,000 respectively.
Internships: Subject to slot availability, the top three authors might be given internships.
Mode: Online
Important Dates: October 22, 2023: Final Submission of articles
The submissions shall be made in this form.
Contact Information:
In case of any queries, please contact [email protected]
For More Details Click HERE