Maharashtra Law University Aurangabad (MNLU- A), is an institution established in the year 2017, with an objective of imparting quality legal education, to develop advanced clinical pedagogies and research. The University also imbibes values of profession coupled with various skill sets required for the profession of advocacy.
About the Newsletter
Devoted to the study of comparative and international laws and legal systems, the Comparative Law e- Newsletter (CLN) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed newsletter published bi-annually, with four Issues already released. It embraces analytical, theoretical, empirical, and socio-legal attempts surrounding the public and private law aspects of various legal systems.
To capture the essence of legal education by making a substantial comparative analysis
It aims to encourage comparative legal studies in the transnational context of legal history, theory, philosophy, legal cultures and traditions, by tracking the developments in the field across the world. The newsletter seeks works that are dynamic and interdisciplinary in nature with specific display of comprehensive knowledge on the subject matter.
The newsletter has been entrenched with the goal to expand mindfulness and advance research in the field of comparative law and to address the present-day problems whilst keeping an interdisciplinary approach. The initiative of the newsletter is taken to provide access to legal information, as well as to provide space for debate and discussion between the right holders.
Further, to foster research culture with the participation of professionals, law students, litigators, academicians and other author(s) ejusdem generis in research avenues. The newsletter intends to include articles, interviews, case and legistative comments, social spotlights, judgements, short notes, legal maxims etc. to make a significant and ambitious contribution to a comparative legal study.
Suggested sub-themes:
- Challenges Raised by Digital Currency
- Emerging Legislation in FinTech in the Present Paradigm
- Money Laundering through Fintech
- Cross-border Payments and Remittances
- The e-Newsletter intends to include contributions from students, experts, scholars, academicians and professionals from any field.
- Main text: Times New Roman, Font size 12, Line spacing 1.5
- Endnotes: Times New Roman, Font size 10, Line spacing 1.0.
- Style of endnotes should be according to “OSCOLA” latest edition.
- Only one submission per author is permitted. Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of 2 authors.
- All submissions must be original, unpublished and should not have been submitted for review elsewhere. Plagiarism in any form shall result in instant rejection of the submission. The decision of the Board of Editors in this matter is final and binding.
- Submissions must be in the English language only and must be submitted in MS Word Format (.doc/.docx).
- The submission must not contain name or any other marks which reveals the identity of the author(s).
- The contributions will be published in the MNLU-A Comparative e-Newsletter, which shall be published on the university’s official website.
- Articles: Between 1000-1500 words (excluding footnotes)
- Book Reviews: Between 1000-1500 words (excluding footnotes)
All submissions are to be uploaded to the Google Form prescribed below: https://forms.gle/iKBb8gD8ontDd5BJ8
Reach out to us over e-mail: [email protected]
Or call the undersigned
Student Convenor:
Rishi Raj: +91 85419 26505
Student Co-Convenors: Shivek Jhanda : +91 62646 85879
Nandini Tyagi : +91 90685 65457