Applications are invited from Research Scholars, Academicians, Lawyers and Legal Advisors, Economists, Representatives of law firms, IP Inventors or anyone from the field of law, humanities and social sciences to participate in the International Conference going to be organised by CIPR DPIIR-IPR Chair, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur on March, 2022.
Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur is established by Maharashtra Government by way of enactment known as the Maharashtra National Law University Act (Maharashtra Act No. VI of 2014) and the University takes pride to be the Nineteenth National Law University in the Country. The University shall be making rapid progress towards its dream of achieving excellence in the field of legal education with its dedicated faculty members, staff and students under the able guidance and supervision of its founding members, visionaries, well-wishers and members of different statutory bodies of the University. In order to achieve its objectives, the University has established twenty- eight centers for advanced legal studies and research in different fields of law to address the socio-legal issues and challenges and to conduct cutting edge research on thriving issues of law, social science and humanities.
Centre for IPR:
The Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) is one of the Advanced Legal Research Centre of the University intending to promote the Human, Social and Commercial values through exclusive socio-legal research in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. IPR is an evolutionary field. IPR provides an incentive for creativity and the disclosure of information and plays a significant role in encouraging innovations in the form of product/process development leading to technical advancement. Therefore, knowledge about IPR becomes essential in all the fields. Effective Intellectual property (IP) protection has been a critical factor; however, academia is playing a serious catch-up to create awareness of IP.
The University is proud to have the DPIIT-CHAIR on Intellectual Property Rights established by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. DPIIT-IPR CHAIR The Scheme for Pedagogy & Research in IPRs for Holistic Education & Academia (SPRIHA) was launched in the year 2016 by the Department for Promotion of Industries and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The IPR Chair was established under the scheme at selected Universities in India and MNLU, Nagpur takes pride in being one of them. The chair was established to fulfil one of the objectives of the National IPR Policy of the Government of India which was to ‘Strengthen IP Chairs in educational institutes of higher learning to provide quality teaching and research develop teaching capacity and curricula and evaluate their work on performance-based criteria’. Marching towards the goal of intellectual development, the DPIIT-IPR Chair and Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur is organizing Online International Conference on (March 15 & 16, 2022 ) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Rights for Creation of Intellectual Property. In view of the rapid spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19), as a precautionary measure, the organizers have decided to conduct the course through an Online Mode via ‘Cisco WebEx Meetings App’.
Innovation has always been a catalyst in a growing economy resulting in more innovation. The advent of fresh innovations gives rise to healthy competition at macro as well as micro economic levels. Intellectual Property laws help protects these innovations from being exploited unlawfully. In view of this IP and Competition laws have to be applied in tandem to ensure that the rights of all stake holders including the innovator and the consumer or public in general are protected. The relationship between these two areas of law poses uniquely difficult challenges to policymakers, particularly in developing countries like India, the majority of which have little or no tradition in the application of competition law and policies.
Artificial Intelligence has taken the world by storm. Currently, AI has laid its foundation in various industries and is set to change the lives of humankind in the upcoming years whether be it socially, economically, or even legally. Artificial Intelligence has drastically changed the way humans perform their work by replacing brain power with algorithms for quick and efficient retention and retrieval of data. It is only a matter of time that such a system is adopted to improve the administration of IP.
AI functions on “algorithms.” These algorithms are a step-by-step procedure that commands how the machine can process data. This data can be processed into complex calculations, or generate automated reasoning, it can also further be commanded to develop its own algorithms. Obviously, such an algorithm would be complex and requires heavy research but once the AI processes this command it is free to create its own algorithms. In such a scenario, the AI will have the creative freedom to invent or discover new algorithms, but who can claim patent rights on such creation? The laws on IP currently are not in synchrony with the contemporary issues surrounding the question of whether AI can own IP.
Therefore this International Conference on ‘Artificial Intelligence and Machine Rights for Creation of Intellectual Property’ is an attempt to create bridge between claim of AI creators, AI itself and their legal rights on creation of intellectual property.
- Artificial Intelligence and Law:
- Philosophy of Law, Technology and Theory
- International Relations and Public Diplomacy
- Data Ethics and Social Sciences
- Distribution of Work between AI and Human and its legality
- Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Ownership
- Validity of AI to be treated as legal entity.
- Legality of Human-Aware Planning and Behavior Prediction and further consequences.
- Citizenship to humanoid robots.
- Data Mining and Deep Learning.
- Algorithmic Policing.
- Robotic Justice in Indian Administration.
- Legality of AI in the Health Care Sector.
- AI in Education System.
- Brain-Sensing – AI Analysis- a challenge for right to privacy.
- Copyright claim of AI
- Patent claim by AI
Any other socio-legal topic or issue relating to the Artificial intelligence and Intellectual Property Right can be submitted as CIPR DPIIT-IPR Chair, MNLU Nagpur promotes interdisciplinary research in the field of Intellectual Property Rights.
- Lawyers & Legal Advisors
- LawConsultants
- CorporateCounsels
- Judges & Enforcement Officers
- Economists
- Legal Directors and Legal Heads
- Law Attorneys, Patent Agents, Patent Litigators & Managers, IP Managers
- Representatives of Law Firms
- Engineering&TechnologiesCompanies
- IP Inventors
- Professionals in Legal Domain related to various Technologies
- Research & Development Professionals
An abstract (250-350 words) should be submitted as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer reviewed before they are accepted. The following information, in the given format, should be sent along with the abstract;
Name of the Participant
Official Designation / Institution Details
Address and Email ID
Title of Abstract
Mobile No.
Note- The Submission of abstract and final paper will be through the following link-https://forms.gle/62SVuQotMc2XmARj6
- Full papers should be prepared (1) in the MS-Word format, (2) Font: Times New Roman, (3) Title of the paper: Font 14, (4) Subtitles: Font 13, (5) Body text: Font 12, (5) Spacing: 1.5 lines, and (6) should not exceed 6,000 words (including footnotes). Exceeding the word limit may lead to rejection of papers.
- Submission of a paper amounts to consent to such publication and transfer of copyright to The Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Nagpur and consent to edit the paper as may be required. The author shall cooperate with the editor, in respect of such editing.
- All references must be in the form of footnotes with font size 10 and should be according to the Bluebook 19th Edition.
- The work should be original, previously unpublished and must not be in the stage of submission/ consideration elsewhere.
All the final submission shall be subjected to blind peer review and plagiarism check, subsequent to which the selected papers will be considered for publication in an Edited Book (with ISBN).
- The abstracts will be peer reviewed by the organising committee and only shortlisted abstracts will be invited to submit final papers. The final paper should be submitted after the intimation of acceptance of abstract. The final submission shall be concluded within the prescribed deadline.
- No abstract or full paper shall be accepted after the last dates of submission, respectively.
- Participants/Paper Presenters have to register after the acceptance of abstract with payment of
required fees.
- For participation, registration is mandatory on confirmation of the participation.
- Only registered participants will be allowed to take part in the Conference.
- All the registered participants will be provided with participation certificates but, the organiser reserves right to choose the quality papers for presentation.
Registration Fee – free for all Fee for Paper Submission
- Student- 500 ₹
- Academician- 1000 ₹
- Professional- 1000 ₹
• Individual of Nationality other than India- 15 $ (USD)
Deadline for Submission of Abstract |
March 20, 2022 |
Confirmation of Abstract |
March 22, 2022 |
Deadline for Submission of Full Paper |
April 12, 2022 |
Last Date for Registration |
April 20, 2022 |
Conference Date |
April 23, 2022 |
- The conference will be held in online mode (through ‘Cisco WebEx’)
- Registration Fee for Attendees (Other than paper presenters) – 300 ₹
- If situation permits conference will be held in blended mode which will be informed to
registered participants through official communication.
Process of Submission of Application
- Name of the A/c Holder- Maharashtra National Law university, Nagpur
- Account No- 37157118524
- Account Type- Current Bank Account
- IFSC Code- SBIN0007504
- Branch Name- Ravinagar Branch, Nagpur
- Account Link- https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm
- Registration Link- https://forms.gle/nf9GNSa9AZdJ5bdw7
For More Details Click HERE