Launches Certificate Course in Merger & Acquisition (Online) February – May 2022
About The Course
Growth is the desired result of any business organization and merger and acquisition (M & A) is the usual procedure adopted by the companies for expansion. That is why it is assumed that every company has inherent right to merge and the power need not necessarily spring from memorandum.
Companies quickly increase its size, service area, talent pool, customer base, and resources through M & A. The process is very costly, hence the businesses need to be sure about the processes and the pitfalls, if any. Hence people involved in the entire procedure of M&A should be aware of every facet of it. This course is to make aware about the various legal, accounting & tax implications involved in M&A along with human resource and public policy concepts.
Prerequisites: The students should have knowledge of basic accounting, economics, and financial management concepts and tools.
Course Outcome
The students would know about
- Internal & External Corporate restructuring;
- Mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, spin-offs, etc.,
- Take Over code and commonly used takeover tactics and defenses;
- Various valuation techniques involved and their practical limitations;
- Tax benefits in various types of structuring
- Post-Merger Challenges, human resource and other risks, insurance schemes;
- Advantages and disadvantages of alternative ways to exit businesses and
- Joint ventures as alternatives to mergers and acquisitions.Course Delivery
The programme would be conducted online.
Dr. Kiran Rai would be the course director of the programme and main instructor. There would be 3-4 guest speakers from law firms, CA and senior tax consultants. These experts would bring a wealth of experience and practical problems to the course and provide a glimpse of due diligence process that happens in pre-merger phase. This may result in some rescheduling of the course coverage for a particular weekly topic to accommodate the schedules of our speakers, but sufficient notice would be given for rearrangement. Speakers’ biodata and topic covered by them would be shared with the class, well in advance. Students will have an opportunity to interact with the speaker, both during and after their presentations. Minimum 75% attendance is mandatory for successful completion of course and award of certificate. Students may opt to take evaluation exam and get a grade.
- Deadlines for submission of Assignments should be strictly followed. Any deviation may be allowed with prior permission with the Course Director.
- Students are expected to understand and maintain the highest level of academic honesty.Instruction Method
Classes would be conducted through Google Classroom and WebEx Platform. Students are expected to regularly consult the course web page, as important information may be uploaded at an irregular basis. Power point slides and readings that would be used in class would be uploaded there. Assignments would be posted there. Significant student interaction and meaningful participation are expected in each class. Each student should participate by submitting minimum 5 articles, readings, cases and recent developments to the Discussion/Stream page. Students are expected to make minimum 5 significant contribution /comment/ questions to articles posted by others as these would be considered for awarding marks for class participation.
Teaching Pedagogy would be
- Understanding of Legislations
- Analysis of Case Laws
- Solving Case Method/ Problem Based QuestionsWho may Register?
This course is for professionals like lawyers, academicians (law, commerce & management), bankers, CS, CA, Insolvency Professionals (IP) along with Undergraduate & Postgraduate students of law, commerce and management.
Interested Candidate may write at [email protected]. Registration form and Bank details would be provided to the interested candidates.
Registration closes on 31 January 2022
Commencement of Classes: 1 February 2022
Registration Fees:Rs. 8,000/-
Examination Fees: Rs. 3000/-
Course Director
Dr. Kiran Rai
Associate Professor & Head of UG Department MNLU Mumbai
For More Details Click HERE