About the Moot
Mooting is an excellent skill to learn, and it will assist you to think and analyze the law in the style of an advocate – looking for loose threads, analyzing legal logic and presenting your conclusions in a sensible and effective manner. Taking part in the Moot will certainly help you improve your written and oral communication skills. The 70th Constitutional Year celebrations Moot Court Competition 2020 will be held virtually, in two stages – Memorial Qualification Round and Oral rounds.
The competition is open to a student of any Higher Education Institution in India.
Team Composition
a. Each team shall consist of 3 members (2 speakers and 1 researcher). This number cannot
be modified under any circumstances.
b. Each team shall allocate the role of speakers and researcher among themselves which will
be followed during the entire competition. The team shall notify this arrangement at the
time of registration to the organizers through the registration form and such arrangement
cannot be modified during the competition under any circumstances.
c. Each team will have a team code. Teams shall not disclose their identity or that of their
region/city etc.; such disclosure shall invite automatic penalties including disqualification.
The Administrator’s decision in this matter shall be final.
Teams must register online on the LINK also provided on the website of National Law University
Delhi. Only one team per College will be allowed to participate.
a)There will be 2 (two) rounds of the Competition i.e. Memorial Qualification Round and Oral Rounds.
b) A total of 16 teams will qualify the Memorial Qualification Round and will proceed to the Oral Rounds to be held through virtual conferencing.
c) There will be 2 preliminary rounds, Semi-Finals and Finals.
d) 4 Teams with highest total marks [decided on the basis of total marks scored by a team during the rounds as mentioned in XI(b.)] will proceed to the SemiFinals.
e) Only those teams who qualify for the Oral Rounds will be required to pay a sum of Rs.1000/- per team as registration fee through the link that will be sent later through a separate e-mail.
f) Certificate of Participation will be awarded to all the teams that will register and successfully submit the memorials on the due date.
Memorial Submission
Last date for memorial submission 27 September ,2020
In case of any query mail [email protected]
For Moot Proposition and Brochure of the Moot Competition Click HERE