Recently, the Supreme Court bench headed by upcoming Chief Justice of India, Justice JS Khehar and Justice Arun Mishra adjourned the matter by giving the reason the reason which has garnered a lot of attention on social media.
The order is a very curt two line order, the reason has caught the attention of the people.
It has stated that the petitioner’s lawyer is not properly dressed.
“Learned counsel for the petitioners is not properly dressed. Post for hearing after two weeks.”
Gown is not mandatory in lower courts like Saket Court or other Subordinate Courts, but in Supreme Court, where the dress code for lawyers is strictly followed. Lawyers have to wear the gown even during summers .
Bar Council of India Rules makes the wearing of gown mandatory in the Supreme Court and all High Courts.
However, some High Courts such as Delhi, allow exemptions from wearing a gown during summer.