Lalita, wife of National Kabaddi player Rohit Kumar committed suicide October 17 at her matrimonial house. In her suicide note as well as audio and video clips left behind, she had alleged that her in-laws “harassed” her for minor issues and that Rohit had asked her to go away from his life.
In relation to this Delhi police arrested Rohit Kumar on 21 October and after two days of police custody, on 23 October Metropolitan Megistrate sent him to 14-day judicial custody till November 8 after the police said he was not required for custodial interrogation.
His father, Vijay Singh (S.I., now suspended) arrested after he surrendered at Nangloi P.S. and was produced before a MM on 21 October, who had remanded him in judicial custody till November 4 after the police did not seek his custodial interrogation.