In 2006 Trial Court sentenced to Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan in the two cases (i) poaching of two chinkaras at Bhawad on September 26-27, 1998 (ii) poaching of another one in the Ghoda Far area on September 2829, 1998 in Jodhpur. However, he got acquitted by Rajasthan HC on July 25 this year.
Now, Rajasthan Government approach Supreme Court to challeng his acquittal by Rajasthan High Court. Additional advocate general K L Thakur, who represented state in HC recommended to the state government that the actor’s acquittal be challenged before the SC.
AAG after reading the order in details reach the conclusion that case is fit for SLP and order is contrary to material evidences or evidence on record. Therefore, now Govt. approach SC by filing twin appeal.