It has been alleged in the police complaint that film actor Om Puri “insulted” the Indian Army during a TV debate. Police complaint has been filed at the Andheri police station in Mumbai against him.
He said during TV debate that “Did we force them to join the army? My father was also in the army… We are proud of them (soldiers)… I am asking you: Do you want India and Pakistan to become Israel and Palestine?”
“I don’t give a damn to Salman Khan or some other Khan… Go to Modiji and cancel the visas of Pakistani actors. Prepare 15-20 people as suicide bombers and send them to Pakistan.”
Section of the film fraternity for comments they say are insulting to Indian soldiers also charged against Om Puri.
Many of the filmmakers and artists expressed distress towards the defaming statement by Om Puri
Film maker Ashok Pandit tweeted, “Om Puriji, Pak artistes banned isn’t a solution, but show of solidarity to our martyrs. We can’t be lighting pyres while continuing to perform with them.”
Anupam also expressed his feeling by saying that “he respects Om a lot, but said watching him on the TV show and hearing his views related to Indian soldiers was “very sad”.”
Actress Meerra Chopra wrote, “All respect lost for Om Puri! What a shame.”
Malini Awasthi tweeted, “What a shame Om Puri! Heard him on TV and I couldn’t believe my ears. What a disgrace! Just lost all respect as an actor.”