Today, Supreme Court through CBI issued fresh notice to Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam Khan, meanwhile, expressed sorrow on non-appearance of Azam Khan through his lawyer in connection with the sensational Bulandshahr gangrape case and directed the apex court registry to provide copy of the case records to CBI for serving them on the minister.
Lawyer, Kislay Pandey, appearing for the victimâs father, SC allowed him to file additional documents in the case.
Attorney Solicitor General, Maninder Singh appearing for CBI states that UP Government could also send notice to him as he is a member of cabinet.
âIn our considered opinion, Azam Khan should have entered appearance as there is a direct allegation against him. In view of the aforesaid, we direct CBI to serve the notice to himâ a bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra said.
Court also expressed its view by saying that it seems that he made remarks in his personal capacity.
The allegations on khan is that he made unethical remarks on sexually assaulted the woman and her daughter after dragging them out of the vehicle at gun-point. This incident was occurred on 29 August.
Apex court put stay on CBI probe in the case thereafter modifying its earlier order and asked the agency to proceed as per law. CBI while seeking modification in above said stay said that it may cause âdisappearance of material evidencesâ besides enabling six accused to seek statutory bail.