Delhi HC said Hawkers and street vendors should not be remove and disturb without due process of law.
Bench headed by Chief Justice G. Rohini and Justice Sangeeta Dhingra Sehgal issued notice to Lt. Governor Najeeb Jung, NDMC, MCD for seeking reply.
Petitioner, Ajay Makan stated that government officials are taking unlawful officials against hawkers and street vendors. He also stated that as per the Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vendors Act, authorities should be instruct that until the survey would take place, vendors and hawkers should not be removed from there place.
Senior Advocate, Rakesh Khanna & Aman Pawar appearing for petitioner Ajay Makan contended that until the constitution of Town Holding Committee action against hawkers and street vendors shouldn’t be taken. They also contended that instead of repeated court orders concerning authorities had removed around 500 vendors unlawfully on August 17. Many Provisions of Street Vendor Act was byepassed.
Petitioner also stated that Hawkers and vendors were not only unlawfully removed but also continuously harassed by authorities.
Court has fixed 28 September for next date of hearing.