Supreme Court to decide how much green tax to be imposed on diesel car buyers.

A Supreme Court bench will sit today, April 30, to decide the quantum of green tax should be imposed on the purchase of every diesel cars. This decision will expand or uphold the “Polluter Pays” principle among individuals.
All law officers will be travelling to Odisha on Saturday, April 30, to attend a legal aid meeting under the Supreme Court judge Dipak Mishra. Additional Solicitor General Maninder Singh was present in the court and hence the bench told Ranjit Kumar to leave the ASG and to attend the legal aid in Odisha along with all the law officers.
The bench further asked, “What is the role of the Government in this? The issue is related to green tax on diesel cars and the auto-mobile industry have agreed upon discussing the case on Saturday”. The bench also said, “If Maninder Singh remains present during the hearing,he will deal with the Government’s stand on the issue”.

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