17th S.C. Javali National Moot Court Competition:Oct 17-18: Register before Oct 11

The 17th S.C. Javali National Moot Court Competition will be held on the 17th and 18th October, 2014 at Karnataka University’s Sir Siddappa Kambali Law College.
1. Each participating team has to pay a registration fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) through a demand draft drawn on any Nationalised bank, in favour of the “Principal, Karnatak University’s, Sir Siddappa Kambali Law College, Dharwad”
2. Law Colleges/Institutions willing to compete, shall confirm participation by the 11th October, 2014.
3. The moot competition is restricted to 28 teams and these teams will be selected on first cum first serve basis.
4. The enclosed Registration Form should be duly completed and returned on or before 11th October 2014 to the Principal, Karnatak University’s , Sir Siddappa Kambali Law College, Dharwad-580001
College : 0836- 2448177, 2440686
Principal (Res) : +919880845465
Mr.Vishwanath M. (coordinator) : +919880080243
Mr.Rakeshkumar Kamble : +919449396793
For more details click HERE

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